A Fisherman's Paradise!
Campbell River is home to 5 species of Pacific Salmon: Chinook, Chum, Coho, Pink and Sockeye. We are unique in that you can catch all five species! You might be thinking, “Hey! What about Tyee, King, Spring, or Silver?” These are all common names used by our southern neighbours and are based on size or appearance. (The first three are Chinook, and Silver is another name for Coho.)
There are also opportunities to both crab and prawn in our waters!
Fishing Reports
Please view the following links to prepare for your fishing trip with us!
Local tide link: https://www.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/fm-gp/rec/tidal-maree/a-s13-eng.html
BC's Fishing Regulations: https://www.tide-forecast.com/locations/Campbell-River-British-Columbia/tides/latest
Campbell River Fishing Report: https://islandfishermanmagazine.com/campbell-river-fishing-report/
City of Campbell River; Visitor Info: https://www.campbellriver.ca/discover-campbell-river/visitor-info